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Ejiro Evero, the right guy to be Seahawks head coach?

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“Slow and steady wins the race” apparently, as the Seattle Seahawks are starting to narrow down their potential Pete Carroll replacements at what feels like a snail’s pace. They are in the process of working through their second interviews, and one of the guys who has made it to the second round of interviews is Ejiro Evero.

Evero was most recently seen valiantly leading the Carolina Panthers defense to a respectable performance, despite the 2023 season being a disaster for the team at large. Many of us have been hoping for/suggesting that the team look towards an offensive-minded coach, so clearly Evero is not the ideal candidate in that regard, but this piece isn’t meant to be a comparison to the other candidates so much as it is a brief look at what Evero has been able to do in his time in the NFL.